1-587-354-3444 Suite 305, 1167 Kensington CR NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1X7


We are continuously engaged in a multi-pronged research program in order to advance the science of distributed work and enhance the predictive power of our assessments, thereby augmenting the impact of our consulting services. See below for our focal areas of research and our productivity in the peer-reviewed world of psychological and organizational science.


Personality and Distributed Worker Effectiveness

The following papers consider various topics including engagement, performance, satisfaction, and cyberslacking in distributed work environments.  Note that our position on cyberslacking is that we don’t believe it is an obstacle to the implementation of distributed work; rather, we believe that knowing about one’s propensity for cyberslacking and installing the strategies and tools to effectively self-manage is most important.

See Research

  • 2014 – MacDonnell, R., Hambley, L. A., Martin, B. H., Wright-Schwietz, S., & O’Neill, T. A.

    WorkSHIFT, Telework, Flexwork: The Psychology of Work Outside The Office.
    Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.


Strategies for Effective Distributed Teams

Based on empirical evidence and a review of the scientific literature on distributed team effectiveness, these publications explore strategies to ensure the success of distributed teams

See Research


Leadership in Distributed Environments

These publications provide evidence regarding the role of leadership as an enabler of distributed team effectiveness. The research uses mixed methods involving interviews with leaders, lab research, and critical literature reviews, all of which point to the critical role of leaders for the success of distributed teams.

See Research

Is productivity and engagement of your people top of mind as you move to a distributed workplace? WE can help!

Is productivity and engagement of your people top of mind as you move to a distributed workplace? WE can help!