1-587-354-3444 Suite 305, 1167 Kensington CR NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1X7


In Part 1 of this blog, we explored ways to prevent the boundaries between your work and life being blurred while working remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. While managing your own work-life wellness can be challenging, managing the wellness of your staff or team is an additional concern for managers that often presents its own...
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The COVID-19 crisis has forced many managers into suddenly working from home and leading staff from a distance. In adjusting to these new work conditions, people are quickly becoming aware of how reduced privacy or structure at home, and the increased, and relying on technologies to check-in with colleagues, can create stress.
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Working from home presents a number of opportunities and challenges for employees. If, like many, you’ve recently been launched into a remote work arrangement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve prepared a list of practical tips to help support your productivity and joy.
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The skills needed to successfully lead remote workers and teams are both unique and additional to those required when working in the office. Even with planning and preparation, leading from a distance can be challenging - even more so if you are thrown into it due to the COVID-19 pandemic! We’ve prepared a list of...
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Working remotely is not a new concept, with distributed work, telework, flexible work, and mobile work programs being implemented. Drivers for these “new ways of working” (which are not so new anymore), include saving real estate costs and enhancing employee attraction and retention. Work-life wellness, saved commute time, and productivity are among the many benefits...
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Dr. Laura Hambley provides some helpful strategies for working on a distributed team
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Tom O’Neill’s research talk to industry was covered by the Society for Human Resource Management. Here is an Excerpt: “Employers might be more willing to give trust,” O’Neill said, “if employees are transparent about what they are doing and making sure they’re meeting their work obligations when they’re working remotely.” Once trust is broken, “it’s...
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